Ten Strategies to Increase EQ

Ten Strategies to Increase EQ

I had a client few months ago, who was totally demotivated and frustrated the way her boss criticized her, though she puts in a lot of efforts to get the work done. I did an EQ assessment and found her biggest challenge was recognizing her emotions and handling them in a way that can be fruitful to her rather than allowing the emotions to highjack her thinking and control her behaviors. This is what EQ deals with.

Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. In the list of highly sought-after qualities, emotional intelligence ranks on the top.

An Individual might possess all the characteristics necessary for career success but if he/ she lacks emotional intelligence, everything goes for a toss. Simply speaking, it is the ability to make strategic decisions at strategic junctures in life that may later on prove to be simply a stroke of genius.

Employees who have great emotional intelligence not only withstand the opposition. They conquer it.

Let’s dive in and look at some of the strategies you can implement, starting today.

Look for another Perspective – When dealing with a high-pressure situation, an individual’s first response is being defensive. It’s quite tempting to believe that someone is out to exact a vendetta or perhaps they are doing it deliberately. It takes an emotionally mature individual to get to the root cause without sounding condescending or rude. In doing so, they have inadvertently depicted confidence and calm. A lethal combination.

Be optimistic – Being positive or positive thinking is not always beneficial, especially when positive thinking is used to avoid or control negative experiences. Instead learning to respond to a challenge can be a better strategy and that is Optimism. Stay Consistent. Be in the game. You will get your due when the time is right. But it all starts with a Optimistic mindset.

Learn to handle Critiques – Anyone can blush with pride when they have been praised, but it takes an emotionally smart individual to remain calm when triggered. People have lost great opportunities not because they lacked merit or competence. It was simply because they couldn’t take feedback.

You cannot not communicate – Your facial expressions, your tone, your gestures all communicate, even if you are silent or in a pause. In a volatile environment, it not only matters what you say, rather how you say it. The tone you use, the language, the underlying meaning behind your statements are all being recorded and observed. How you communicate during a high-pressure situation speaks volumes about your character. And by the way, this is the Number one trait necessary for leadership positions.

Know What Triggers you– So Crucial to be self-aware. Most people are painfully unaware about their triggers. The result can sometimes prove to be disastrous. Know what your “unique triggers are” and fix it in the way that suits you. Some people go for a long walk while others might decide to catch up with friends. Bottomline- “Fix it before it becomes an emergency”

Practice Empathy – Practicing empathy is about understanding and connecting emotionally. Its how to recognize and respond to someone. It is very different from Sympathy. When you allow yourself to be vulnerable on some level and realize people feelings are not dangerous, you will develop profound respect and even love for others. Bridge with them in the most difficult situation becomes easier. Everyone is fighting a battle. Never assume something based on the spur of the moment. Resolve to understand first and then connect

Be Assertive This is huge. Stating your intention in a firm, assertive manner is an art. Once you master this skill, you will literally be unstoppable. That doesn’t imply being domineering. There is a fine line between arrogance and tact. Highly intuitive individuals have honed these skills to precision levels

Focus on Whys’ rather than How’s – Most individuals are stuck in the How than Why. How can this be achieved. How can I make it work. How predominantly connects your resources and pathway to your goals. Its more conscious functionality and has a linear approach. But Why triggers your motivation to achieve your goal and operates at an unconscious level. It works nonlinearly and in multiple simultaneous directions. Operate from a place of power by choosing your response based on the purpose and intention. A Strong WHY and a strategic response is in essence, setting you up for future success.

Let Conflict not Stop you– Agree to disagree must be the principle you live by. Remember, you are not proving who is superior. Everyone has the right to share their views. How you end a conflict is again an art that must be mastered if you are focusing on long term gains. Anyone can operate at peak performance for a short stint. The goal is consistent huge wins over the long haul.

Aristotle coined these words a century ago but they capture the essence brilliantly. There is a very thin line between astute EQ and stupidity.

Practiced accurately it has the potential to yield unprecedented dividends!


Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified Trainer of NLP” and organizes John Grinder approved NLP training in India and the Middle East. He is one of the few ITA (International Training Academy) trainers in the world who are authorized to run New Code NLP and NLP Master Practitioner Certifications in India and the Middle East. He has more than 1000 hours of coaching experience and is an ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He is also certified and authorized to conduct Emotional intelligence Assessments by Six Seconds, International. He is a firm believer in High Performance Coaching. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their most significant potential and evolve into their personal best version through emotionally intelligent coaching.

Listed among the best NLP Trainers in India, Coach Sajid is known for his Accredited NLP Certification, especially the  NLP Training In Bangalore and Parenting Workshop In India. Apart from the Trainings, his NLP Coaching In India covers a  wide niche of coaching including Relationship Coaching, Parenting Coaching, Leadership Coaching.

One of his personal favorites seems to be How To Get Rid Of Phobias and How To Manage Your Emotions.

He has completed studies in Psychotherapy from Chicago School of Professional Psychology and is presently pursuing his PhD in Alternative therapies and Integrative Medicines.

He is also the Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt. Ltd, India, which specializes in Coaching in variety of Modalities like NLP, EFT, EI and Energy coaching.

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