
Eliminating Stigmatization in Mental Health Diagnosis

What Mental Health needs is more sunlight, more candor and more unashamed conversation. I don’t quite recall where I read those lines but they are a poignant reminder about the importance of eliminating stigma surrounding mental health. Today’s world is governed by an almost maniacal obsession with perfection and success. Its no wonder therefore that mental health is rarely discussed and any reference made on this topic is avoided like the plague. Perhaps, because no one wants to feel vulnerable and defenseless. Perhaps, its seen as a barrier towards success and someone who might readily acknowledge it would inevitably attract a steady stream of contempt and ridicule.

The fear of what others might think and perceive is perhaps the most crippling thought that can ever occur to an individual who might have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. Now they are dealing with a double onslaught and its unfortunate that many individuals around the world resort to taking their lives because they see no way out when faced with such a dilemma.

Eliminating stigma is a long-convoluted process and we shall look into some of the ways we can fight mental stigma. They are by no means exhaustive. In no particular Order.

Talk Unreservedly about Mental Health– One of the most popular methods is posting about it on popular social media Channels like Facebook or LinkedIn. Be Vocal and unapologetic. If it helps just one person, it is worth it. Millions of individuals browse these channels every single day and your words can be precisely what an individual needs to hear. Those words can literally alter the trajectory of their life. For the better.

Practice Inclusion, Intentionally– If someone at your workplace has battled mental illness, be intentional about including them in group events and give them the room to take on leadership positions. A mental health issue is not a life sentence and individuals must be given the opportunity to rebuild their lives.

Practice Empathy– Most individuals might have the tendency to look down upon someone who might be struggling with family conflict and who might be trying their best to look “Put Together”. Snide remarks, open contempt and aggression, deliberate intent to belittle someone on the basis of race or language are all forms of abuse and they can sometimes be the tipping point for someone who was already on the edge. Practice kindness. It costs nothing.

Acknowledge the Problem– Sometimes the road to recovery lies in the Acknowledgement. Acknowledging that there is a problem that needs a diagnosis and subsequent treatment is not cowardice. This Statement by Russell Wilson is sheer gold, “If we start being honest about our pain, our anger and our shortcomings instead of pretending they don’t exist, then maybe we will leave the World a better place than we found it.”

Be Unafraid to Share your StoryIf you or someone you know has successfully crossed this journey, then by all means, Share your story. Your scars could well become someone else’s survival Guide. Some of the most comforting words in the Universe are “me too”. That moment when you find out that your struggle is also someone else’s struggle, then you are not alone, and that others have been down the same road.

A Diagnosis doesn’t determine the OutcomeMillions of individuals have successfully battled mental illness and emerged stronger. It is natural to give in to self-pity and play the part of a martyr. Instead choosing to take ownership in the recovery process is not only the wisest thing to do, it can also serve as a reminder that beauty does emerge out of ashes sometimes. Don’t let your struggle become your identity.

Seek Help– No one ought to go through difficult terrain alone. Life is hard as it is. Adding a mental health problem to the picture can pose an almost seemingly insurmountable problem. Ask for support and help as often as is required. Seeking help doesn’t imply that an individual is incompetent. It simply means that they are smart enough to know when to stop doing it all by themselves.

Self care is how you take your Power Back– Self care is not a Luxury. Its an absolute necessity. Take time to recharge and rejuvenate. The World can wait. For anyone who has conquered a dark phase or might be going through one now, this one’s for you. “One small crack doesn’t mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart.


Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified Trainer of NLP” and organizes John Grinder approved New Code NLP and NLP Master Practitioner Certifications  Courses in India and the Middle East. He has more than 1000 hours of coaching experience and is an ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Apart from the Trainings, he covers a  wide niche of coaching including Relationship Coaching, Parenting Coaching, Leadership Coaching.

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Parenting Tips – Simple Way to Build your Child’s Mental Health

Mental Health issues are hard to identify in childhood. All Children go through phases of rebellion, aggressiveness and irritability. However sometimes outward manifestations of problem behavior go unnoticed and may be simply referred to as a phase. Without early intervention, these problem behaviors can sometimes turn out to be potentially fatal in later years.

An estimated twenty million youngsters can be diagnosed with a mental health condition but only 20% receive appropriate treatment by mental health professionals. So when does one know when to seek help? Given below are a host of symptoms that children may exhibit in varying measures of intensity.

Intense Irritability and rage, Trouble Sleeping, inability to make friends, talking to imaginary friends, frequent and sudden crying spells, academic struggles, avoiding social activity, engaging in risky behavior, deliberately thwarting authority are just a few of the external manifestations. Left unchecked, it may translate into substance abuse, poor decision making and even suicide. Suffice to say, accurate diagnosis of a child’s mental health is crucial. In such cases, evaluation by a mental health professional is necessary who might take the child’s immediate environment, their school life, their peers, teachers into consideration before formulating a diagnosis.

If the Problem behavior is due to a disorder, then medical intervention is one  of the option. There are some who might argue and say that the “problem behavior” might resolve itself. Not true. Also, every behaviour does not require a medical intervention. Some may be child’s coping mechanism and NLP coaching would be the best way to reprogram their coping mechanisms. 

Early intervention is very important for young children for whom mental illness can have serious long-term consequences. Young people with a mental illness are at a higher risk for not completing school severely impacting their chances at a successful career. While its true that some individuals display remarkable characteristics in overcoming severe childhood abuse and neglect, these numbers are strikingly low. For the vast majority, the psychological impact of the early years leaves a permanent scar.

Early diagnosis is a key element. Most potential mental health problems will not become mental health problems if we respond to them early. Today two groups of people who can play a major role in assisting the child to cope with complex trends and diabolically opposite and confusing thought processes are Parents/Family and Coaches.

Since parents are the primary care givers for a child, let’s look at some of the ways they can support their child in the early years.

Shower them with Love– Children must feel secure in the knowledge that his/ her parents love them unconditionally. This is absolutely crucial. More often than not, love is withheld and only given if the child performs and achieves a certain level of expertise. This kind of child rearing can sometimes damage the child irrevocably and built belief systems that are counterproductive. Initially, it may lead to rebellion and problem behavior at school and later manifest in deliberate risk taking and suicidal tendencies. All because they were not loved as they should have been.

Prioritize Family Time– Children must see their parents loving and respecting each other. In other words, the home environment must be dependable, a safe haven to come back to. Young children who may have witnessed parents fighting, who have been beaten mercilessly for a minor fault, who have been made to feel insignificant and small usually never forget such slights. They either bottle up their feelings or become overtly rambunctious. Sometimes all a child desperately needs is to be seen and heard and loved. It’s literally that simple. Dinner table conversations are usually the best time to connect and ask the child how their day was, what was the highlight of the day and so forth. This encourages healthy dialogue and fosters a greater bond between the parent and child.

Build a Trust that is UnshakeableA child shouldn’t have to think twice before speaking to his/ her parent. They must trust them enough to tell them the messy details and the failures. A parent must be the first person to connect with during an emergency. But yet, building that trust is not an instant affair and it can’t be coerced. A child who trusts his/ her parent is in a winning position already. In later years, they will inevitably share every detail and every milestone with their parent. That’s what an effective parent/ child relationship is !

Give them help when it’s NeededAn effective parent is one who realizes the importance of getting an expert opinion and a trusted therapist if the situation demands it. Asking for help can sometimes be the best thing one can do for their child and it must never be accompanied by guilt or embarrassment.


The parent- child connection is the most powerful mental health intervention known to Mankind!!! Focus on this resolutely and the rest is easy.


Learn more about Teens and Parenting

Our Team with certified NLP Practitioners and Coaches can assist you as parents and build a team with your children and reprogram them to cope with life issues in a better and effective way.

Read my Blog on Conscious Parenting using NLP

As an NLP Practitioner and coach who has been dealing with Child Mental Issue for past 10 years, One tip which I would like to offer you here is teach your children to reframe self-critical and judgmental thoughts into more realistic, helpful thoughts to move towards self-acceptance. We have to help our children to understand and accept that it is okay to be different.

But before we work with children, we have to work on ourselves. We often feel we are not a good parent or that I am not able do the best for my child.  Increasing one’s awareness of judgmental thinking can be a confronting process. You may be surprised by how many critical thoughts you have on a given day, and this has the potential to lead to negative affect. When you find it difficult to reframe your thoughts in a less judgmental way, think about how you would respond to a good friend in that same situation.

Use the provided Self-Reflection Tool and build your awareness around self-acceptance. The same can be used to build your child’s resilience and self-esteem.


Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified Trainer of NLP” and organizes John Grinder approved New Code NLP and NLP Master Practitioner Certifications  Courses in India and the Middle East. He has more than 1000 hours of coaching experience and is an ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Apart from the Trainings, he covers a  wide niche of coaching including Relationship Coaching, Parenting Coaching, Leadership Coaching.

To be updated with latest trends in Coaching and psychotherapy, join our Facebook Private group –

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Why you shouldn’t stress?

Simple Habits that will help you overcome stress

Stress is a psychological process resulting from demands on an individual’s coping resources. Understanding your stress triggers can help you learn when to rest and take care of yourself. A Stress profile is an inventory of behaviors and experiences that helps the user understand how they react to stress.

Download the Personal Stress Profile Here

The purpose of the Personal Stress Profile tool is to help you better understand your network of stress triggers, symptoms, and coping mechanisms. Building this awareness will enable you to manage stress more effectively.

Sometimes relaxing can be the most productive thing you can do. Seems like a challenge, what with the times we live in. Time seems to be in short supply, no matter how hard you try to delegate or multitask. Suppose the ordinary man is hard-pressed for time. In that case, one can only imagine how the CEO must be grappling with running a company. Everyone has the same 24 hours and it’s a race to the finish. No wonder stress, anxiety, anti-social behavior, and conflicts have risen.

Until Elon Musk figures out an alternative Universe, we have only this planet to rely on. Without wasting a second, let’s look at practical ways you can minimize the impact that a high-pressure environment can create:

  1. Make Self Care an Absolute Priority This is number one on the list. You must be conscientious when it comes to self-care. Or else burnout is guaranteed.
  2. Practice being calm during the day It could be Centering exercise or taking a short walk. Whatever works for you. Please resist the urge to finish it all at once. You will be prone to make other mistakes if your mind is not rested enough.
  3. Take Time Off Frequently Overworking is not a badge of honor. It’s stupidity at its best and can have disastrous repercussions. The World is not resting on your shoulders.
  4. Make Journaling a Habit Writing helps the brain assimilate information faster. Not only will you accomplish tasks as per the deadline, but it will also give you the satisfaction of a well-done job.
  5. Choose tasks in Order of Priority What is most urgent and needs your immediate attention. Focus on priority tasks and then gradually come down the list. That will free your brain from needless anxiety. (Read my blog on Eight Powerful Ways to Set Priorities in Life)
  6. Sleep Enough Getting a good night’s rest gives you the stamina to face the day. Your mind is alert and active and you can accomplish tasks quickly. It also repairs your health when you get a night’s sleep. So next time you are tempted to sacrifice sleep, think twice.
  7. Get Enough Supplements Eat a balanced meal packed with vitamins and minerals. More often than not, we forget to adhere to the basics and end up in more significant trouble than could have been avoided.
  8. Power of Outdoors Nature is a great stress booster. It can give you a burst of creativity and remember that last time you had a fresh breeze that uplifted your spirits. There are plenty of adventure sports you can try if you feel inclined.

The above list is by no means exhaustive. There are plenty of other strategies you can follow to combat stress. Often times it’s not the load but the way we carry it that causes needless stress and anxiety. There is no way to avoid stress, but plenty of ways to mitigate it; instead, use it purposefully.

The way a person perceives stress is what makes it harmful; stress itself is not always a “bad thing.” When stress is perceived as being out of one’s control, its negative effects can be more crippling. However, overcoming a stressful challenge can spark your growth process and make you feel more competent and confident the next time.

So, the next time you are prompted to wallow in self-pity or anxiety, think again!

If you operate on time-tested principles (a few Outlined Above), you are essentially reducing the adverse impact of levels to a bare minimum. Repeat a thing often enough, and the brain’s neural pathways are strengthened, so much so that you start operating on autopilot. Focus on strengthening good habits and they will serve you well in times to come.

Essentially, life is simple. But we insist on making it complicated. I hope this short series has sparked your curiosity and charged you enough to reset your life. It’s all about small habits that you develop to cope with your situations that make you successful.

Download the Personal Stress Profile Here

The purpose of the Personal Stress Profile tool is to help you better understand your network of stress triggers, symptoms, and coping mechanisms. Building this awareness will enable you to manage stress more effectively.


Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified Trainer of NLP” and organizes John Grinder approved NLP training in India and the Middle East. He is one of the few ITA (International Training Academy) trainers in the world who are authorized to run New Code NLP and NLP Master Practitioner Certifications in India and the Middle East. He has more than 1000 hours of coaching experience and is an ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He is also certified and authorized to conduct Emotional intelligence Assessments by Six Seconds, International. He is a firm believer in High Performance Coaching. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their most significant potential and evolve into their personal best version through emotionally intelligent coaching.

Listed among the best NLP Trainers in India, Coach Sajid is known for his Accredited NLP Certification, especially the  NLP Training In Bangalore and Parenting Workshop In India. Apart from the Trainings, his NLP Coaching In India covers a  wide niche of coaching including Relationship Coaching, Parenting Coaching, Leadership Coaching.

One of his personal favorites seems to be How To Get Rid Of Phobias and How To Manage Your Emotions.

He has completed studies in Psychotherapy from Chicago School of Professional Psychology and is presently pursuing his PhD in Alternative therapies and Integrative Medicines.

He is also the Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt. Ltd, India, which specializes in Coaching in variety of Modalities like NLP, EFT, EI and Energy coaching.

To be updated with latest trends in Coaching and psychotherapy, join our Facebook Private group –

For Further networking, follow us on

Healthy Relationship

How to experience greater joy and fulfillment from your relationship

Do healthy, perfect relationships spring out of nowhere? Is it as triumphant and perfect as social media presents to us? If you are reading this right now, chances are that you are intentionally seeking to take your relationship to the next level and are prepared to redouble your efforts. If this sounds like you, keep reading.  

Why do you think we have Relationships?

Being in a relationship allows you to discover new aspects of yourself that you might not have been aware of. An accountability partner watches over you and ensures that you consistently achieve your objectives. Love teaches you to appreciate the little things in life and makes you live more intensely. Your outlook on life can be improved by the presence of someone you love, which may enhance your life’s meaning.  

As an EQ Coach, I would summarize the purpose of relationships is to magnify human emotion and experience.

Knowing your destination is a good idea before starting any journey. Understanding where you are is the first step in developing the ideal relationship. Everyone occupies one of six relationship positions.

  1. A magnificent relationship with love and passion. – A relationship with fun, spontaneity, intimacy, excitement, passion, closeness, and devotion
  2. A relationship with love but no passion. – A relationship that is more of a friendship.
  3. A relationship with love and passion. – A Relationship where each partner lives together yet is separated in their own world.
  4. You are planning your escape. – A relationship where there is no love, friendship, or romance and a forced to live together due to external factors
  5. You are looking for a new relationship after a breakup. – Never had a committed relationship but believe that a relationship can make you complete.
  6. You don’t want to be in any relationship. – You have generalized that relationships don’t work, and you are better without them.

With our Relationship Coaching Program you can work on your beliefs, generalizations, emotions, and fears, shift to any of the six positions and taste one of life’s most incredible emotional experiences!

How to grow and develop your relationship to continue experiencing greater joy, love, fulfillment, and passion.

Here are a few suggestions that may help you to achieve this end:-

Know your Partner like No one Does What makes them happy? What is their pet peeve? What makes them come alive? Chances are that the more you know them, the better you will understand what governs their actions. And they will sense that you are taking a keen interest in them, making them view you differently.

Make relationship a priority We are all operating on busy timelines. Life has become frantic and everyone is rushing to meet the next deadline. It is pretty easy to put one’s relationship on the back burner. It’s no surprise then that millions of families are on the brink of divorce. Can it be Avoided? Absolutely. But one must be ruthlessly intentional about family times and date nights. And let me reiterate this. It is not an Option. It’s an absolute priority.

Rekindle intimacy We reclaim the spirit of play, presence, and passion that resides within each person. Open the range of experiences in sexual intimacy to include not only the emotions of loyalty, contribution, and devotion but also the emotions of naughtiness, possessiveness, and lust. Play fearlessly, tenderly, intensely, and wildly. Why not take advantage of the benefits of your relationship if there is genuine understanding, selflessness, and trust between you? Open, try new things, be adventurous, and have fun! Your relationship will flourish when you create this level of heart-to-heart communication and fun.

Be an Expert in Conflict resolution Fights and disagreements are inevitable. Different individuals might have different mechanisms when it comes to conflict. This is where knowing your partner can come in handy. You know how much time they might need to cool down and come around. Couples who learned conflict resolution have undoubtedly mastered the most challenging subject.

Don’t keep a Record of Wrongs It’s tempting to bring up past mistakes and wrongdoings and it can only backfire if said at the wrong time and with malicious intent. It can cause irreparable damage and tear relationships apart. 

Go beyond the Ordinary During Conversations, it’s easy to focus on the basics. Even though everything is taken care of, remember people must be heard. And they must feel comfortable asking and sharing. It is usually those conversations that tend to be therapeutic and strangely uplifting. If your partner has been distant lately, having a long, drawn-out conversation might be a good idea. Sometimes, we just don’t realize that communication is the answer.

Take Mini Vacations People usually have grandiose ideas of going on the perfect vacation. Well, perfect doesn’t exist. Taking impromptu breaks can not only boost your mood, but it can also be a game-changer for the relationship. Millions of marriages have been saved when people have been given the opportunity to rediscover each other, minus the innumerable distractions that life presents.

Rediscover your Partner AgainYears of living together renders people insensitive to each other’s needs. What was exciting once and filled one’s soul with happiness seems like a burden and a disappointment. Nothing can snuff out a relationship like taking a person for granted. Therefore, it is so vital to rekindle the romance in a relationship.

Seek to Grow as an IndividualInvest in your growth. Relentlessly seek opportunities that develop your skills and talents. I think this is something that we routinely miss out on. Two people cannot establish something worthwhile if either one is grappling with past trauma or unresolved emotions. I cannot emphasize this enough. A relationship by no means completes an individual. It is supposed to enhance them. Make them better versions of themselves.

No Quick FixesA relationship requires an investment of time, effort and genuine commitment. Anything less and it will end by default. The absence of issues does not make relationships great. They work because both parties care about each other enough to try to make it work.

I remember reading this somewhere and it encompasses everything in a single powerful statement, “Do what you did while starting a relationship and there won’t be an end.”

But without a doubt, working on yourself first is the secret to developing and experiencing a remarkable, fulfilling relationship.


Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified Trainer of NLP” and organizes John Grinder approved NLP training in India and the Middle East. He is one of the few ITA (International Training Academy) trainers in the world who are authorized to run New Code NLP and NLP Master Practitioner Certifications in India and the Middle East. He has more than 1000 hours of coaching experience and is an ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He is also certified and authorized to conduct Emotional intelligence Assessments by Six Seconds, International. He is a firm believer in High Performance Coaching. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their most significant potential and evolve into their personal best version through emotionally intelligent coaching.

Listed among the best NLP Trainers in India, Coach Sajid is known for his Accredited NLP Certification, especially the  NLP Training In Bangalore and Parenting Workshop In India. Apart from the Trainings, his NLP Coaching In India covers a  wide niche of coaching including Relationship Coaching, Parenting Coaching, Leadership Coaching.

One of his personal favorites seems to be How To Get Rid Of Phobias and How To Manage Your Emotions.

He has completed studies in Psychotherapy from Chicago School of Professional Psychology and is presently pursuing his PhD in Alternative therapies and Integrative Medicines.

He is also the Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt. Ltd, India, which specializes in Coaching in variety of Modalities like NLP, EFT, EI and Energy coaching.

To be updated with latest trends in Coaching and psychotherapy, join our Facebook Private group –

For Further networking, follow us on