The Question of Balance

True Self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from, remarked a wise philosopher and is the perfect starting point for this foray into finding balance.

Finding balance is all about the ability to manage all of life’s demands like a master juggler, handling the professional and the personal with remarkable dexterity. It should be a cakewalk, but it’s a tightrope. No wonder, the vast majority of us struggle to find that sweet spot!  When Eat, Pray, Love released worldwide, I was among one of its first connoisseurs, and I absolutely identified with the character that Julia Roberts portrayed in the movie. How absolutely delightful to roam the ancient city and eat pasta at a quaint roadside café, or go on a bicycling spree through the lush countryside. Surely, this was the antidote to life’s demands. But, how many of us can really invest that kind of time into such pursuits?

The answer is surprisingly simple and almost contradictory.  We have been raised with the all-encompassing belief that the more complex the answer, the more value it possesses. Sometimes, the answers to life’s great questions are surprisingly simple. Maybe it’s time to pause a little and breathe in. Funnily enough, most individuals consider pausing as a sort of crime. Statements like, “ I can’t afford to slow down” are considered wise. Not really!

We all have heard the antidote to life’s major stressors, “eat right, sleep right, meditate and a host of other practices like yoga and tai- chi. I am a vigorous advocate of the above-mentioned practices, and if practiced resolutely can lead to great results.

But, I also think it’s time for us to practice a radical way of being. Whoever coined the term “mini-vacations’ deserves applause. It’s the ability to temporarily disconnect from one’s surroundings and explore a new vista, and No, it doesn’t always mean packing a suitcase and heading to some exotic location. I think there is great danger in saying, “I will do it at a later date, and more often than not, life stuns us, and we aren’t left with enough time. Lisa Ray’s path-breaking book, “Close to the Bone” explores the pathos when life hits you unexpectedly and you have nothing left to do but fight, and it’s a race against time. No pun intended. There is no better time than the present to UNWIND.

It’s extremely important to prioritize and introspect as to why we do the things we do. It’s equally important to have a game plan and decide on deadlines, but not to be consumed by them. We are not machines and were never designed to operate without a break in the pattern. The four dimensions, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual have to work in harmony in order to achieve maximum balance. There is a very powerful point that I would like to stress upon here,

Passion fuels creativity. But it’s equally important to realize when to shut down the phone and head into the woods for a walk. Be creative. Think of ways to engage with the world. It can be downright simple but it has the power to bring stillness to the raging demands that life sometimes imposes!

The statistics for an average individual’s life expectancy is alarming. And it’s on the rise.  In a desperate bid to win, we have forgotten to live. And, clocking hours like a maniac is not a wise move! Let’s get back to the basics and discover the incredible power of stillness, and in so doing conserve energy for great ventures.

Creating the perfect rhythm with all the four dimensions of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual is hard work. But consider it as preparation for making categorical decisions. As one wise philosopher remarked, “It’s not the short sprint. It’s the battle that matters, and every successful entrepreneur can vouch for the fact that marathons are not won easily.”

Reading a book on “finding balance” is great, but one has to discover what works, or in other words, find your unique combination. What makes you tick, and then follow it down to the T. I found the perfect balance not on a trip to Switzerland, but on a rainy day with a steaming cup of coffee. Remarkable, Isn’t it? The Power of Simple!!!!

Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified trainer of NLP” and Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt Ltd, India. He organizes Grinder approved training in India and the Middle East. He is a firm believer in high performance. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. He conducts NLP Practitioner and New Code NLP training in India and the Middle East. He is one of the few who are authorized by ITA (International Training Academy) to conduct New Code NLP Certifications in India and the Middle East. Being Certified in Energy Leadership Index Assessment by one of the largest ICF-accredited coach training schools in the world, “Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching” (iPEC). He is also certified and authorized to conduct Emotional intelligence Assessments by Six Seconds. Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their greatest potential and evolve into their personal best version through emotional intelligence coaching.

Being among the Top NLP Trainers in India, Sajid’s USP is How to get rid of Phobias, you are invited to check out his next NLP training in Bahrain

If you are interested to find out more of this technique, you can book a free session with him using the below link.



An Alternative Way to Handle Bed-Wetting

bedwettingBedwetting, or Nocturnal Enuresis, refers to the unintentional passage of urine during sleep. An extremely embarrassing disorder that can almost radically alter an individual’s lifestyle, and almost render him/her a societal pariah. Bedwetting still occurs on all nights for 15% of all five-year-old kids, and about 3% of all 15 years olds. Almost all children have done so early in their childhood with no significant repercussions, barring parental rebuke.

It attains the form of a debilitating disorder if it continues in adulthood, and almost singlehandedly renders the individual helpless to the extent of an individual shunning the public eye. The most noted consequence of Bedwetting is that children suffer from issues of confidence and self-esteem.


Children have “fragile egos”, and a little moderation in dealing with issues can serve to be the crucial factor that leads to a child eventually outgrowing the disorder. However, a medical test must be carried out to rule out any other illness that might be the contributing factor.

Nevertheless, it should always be remembered that in the majority of cases, the cause is simply a habit.

For adults, this can be devastating. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) signals your kidneys to slow down the production of urine. For some individuals, their bodies don’t produce enough ADH and at other times, tumors can obstruct theurinary passage. An XRAY or Ultrasound of the kidneys can be the primary step in assessing the extent of the damage. I think it’s highly important at this stage to reiterate the importance of getting the correct diagnosis. Many individuals have paid a huge price in terms of the sheer magnitude of money spent and a complete waste of time in gaining a secondary opinion. The medical industry is definitely not the same as it was years ago, and the importance of ascertaining the cause of the problem can’t be emphasized enough.

I remember reading “Chicken Soup for the Soul” by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. Story upon story stressed the importance of having a supportive network of family and friends who rallied for the individual’s recovery. And that brings me to the all-important point “There’s so much that medicine can do”.  It’s a positive attitude and a supportive network that eventually restores the individual to a degree of normalcy despite the rigors of the treatment and the uncertainty about the road ahead. Lisa Ray’s “The Yellow Diaries” became viral because it gave people an option to connect the dots and identify with the individual, thereby generating public empathy and support. Resolving this issue is more than achieving nighttime dryness. It’s also working on your child’s confidence and self-esteem.



With the advancement of neurosciences, it is now clearer than ever before that, our minds are continuously creating new neural pathways. This is the key to an alternative solution to Bedwetting, i.e. NLP.

In my experience, inducing an alternate state in the affected person, the required outcomes can be reinforced and repeated over a period of time, it will then become a part of unconscious competence and will be transformed into a habit of staying dry at nights. I use a series of activities like drawings, visualization and guided imagery over a period to help the client build an unconscious connection to resources which is already within the client.


Depending on the client’s habits, we might need to redesign some of the habits like drinking water, waking up at night for toilets including how the fears associated with bedwetting are handled.

When faced with a debilitating issue which may range from severe to mild, it’s important to realize the power of networks and building bridges. Someone has rightly said, “A problem shared is a problem halved.”

Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified Trainer of NLP” and Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt Ltd, India. He organizes Grinder approved training in India and the Middle East. He is a firm believer in high performance. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. He conducts NLP Practitioner and New Code NLP Trainings in India and the Middle East. He is one of the few who are authorized by ITA (International Training Academy) to conduct New Code NLP Certifications in India and the Middle East. Being Certified in Energy Leadership Index Assessment by one of the largest ICF-accredited coach training schools in the world, “Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching” (iPEC). He is also certified and authorized to conduct Emotional intelligence Assessments by Six Seconds. Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their greatest potential and evolve into their personal best version through emotional intelligence coaching.

Being among the Top NLP Trainers in India, Sajid’s USP is How to get rid of Phobias, you are invited to check out his next NLP Training in Bangalore

If you are interested to find out more of this technique, you can book a free session with him using the below link.


How To Get Rid Of Phobias

Taming Your Phobias

According to Wikipedia, a phobia is defined as
“A type of anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation.”

All of us experience irrational fears from time to time that almost seem insurmountable. The average individual is equipped with coping mechanisms that enable him/her to effectively deal with overwhelming situations. Phobias, on the other hand, are paralyzing in their intensity that almost always spiral out of control, and the individual is caught in a dangerous whiplash that doesn’t seem to subside. Every event or object suddenly assumes the shape of a dangerous giant that wages a constant battle with the individual’s mind.

Most popular phobias are the fear of flying, commonly referred to as aerophobia and the fear of confined spaces commonly called claustrophobia. Then there are social phobias wherein there is absolute and complete panic in social settings. A part of the brain called the amygdala, which controls many of our emotional responses including the fear response, may also contribute to many phobias. Now the obvious question might be, “why is it important to eliminate phobias? The answer is startlingly simple. Because it prevents us from accomplishing what we want in life. Because it stunts an individual’s potential. It’s crucial to ask oneself every once in a while, “Am I fulfilling my highest potential? And if I am not, “What is stopping me from doing so?” Sometimes, an individual is so traumatized that it’s imperative to take the help of a coach who can effectively ascertain the disorder and offer timely guidance.

There are various methods to treat phobias. The first is desensitization or exposure therapy, which focuses on “changing your response to the object or situation that you fear” through repeated exposure. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients by teaching them various coping mechanisms. Medication such as beta-blockers and sedatives are sometimes used along with these methods, depending on the severity of the case. In addition to this relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and yoga can have a very calming effect when used in conjunction with the above methods.

But the Fast Phobia Cure by NLP Practitioners put all other techniques at bay. People living with their phobia for 10, 15 and even 20 years get a coaching session for less than 30 minutes and the phobia no longer exists. They adopt a technique of double dissociation and de-link the phobic images and emotions. This was developed by Richard Bandler where he uses projector booth visualization to attain the results. John Grinder, on the other hand, uses spatial dissociation techniques to attain the same result.

Coaching plays a crucial role as the individual feels “understood” and “supported”. Effective coaching mechanisms include offering unconditional support either on a one to one basis or by gently guiding an individual to join a support group. Alcoholics anonymous is all about the power of “WE”. Additionally, a coach nudges an individual to talk openly about his dilemmas and anxieties. This has a very therapeutic effect as the individual is able to talk freely and in the process feels relieved of pent up feelings and frustrations. The coach asks key questions and gradually enables an individual to confront fears and phobias. The entire process may sometimes take months as it’s quite a precarious task to bolster an individuals’ strength as opposed to tearing it apart. 

Effective coaching mechanisms inevitably bring an individual to the point of self-discovery. What might have caused me to develop this fear? If I decide to take medications, how long will it take for my symptoms to improve? Are some of the key questions asked by a person who is on the road to recovery. Simply put, one can sufficiently conclude that coaching has been effective when an individual takes an active role in his/her journey to a maximized fulfilled lifestyle. Leadership is taking personal accountability for your life. Nothing more, Nothing Less.

Why is this important at such a time as this?

Have you been treated for other psychiatric symptoms or mental illness in the past? If yes, what type of therapy was most beneficial? Have you ever thought about harming yourself? Do you avoid any situations or places because you fear they’ll trigger your symptoms? Are just a few examples of effective coaching mechanisms used by practitioners.

Addressing phobias is a vast field that requires in-depth analysis. With the help of effective coaching mechanisms, it is often possible to overcome or at least significantly reduce the impact of a phobia.

Sajid Ahamed is “Certified Trainer of NLP” and Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt Ltd, India. He is a firm believer in high performance. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. He is ITA (International Training Academy) approved NLP and New Code Trainer in India and the Middle East. Certified in Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner by one of the largest ICF-accredited coach training schools in the world, “Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching” (iPEC), Coach Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their greatest potential and evolve into their personal best version.

If you are interested to find out more of this technique, you can book a free session with him using the below link.


The Fundamentals of Coaching

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingNeuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to how you code the external input to your internal maps and create a representation of these external inputs or in other words code them into a language; Programming refers to how this recoded language is expressed in terms of verbal external language, behaviour and also internal shifts.


NLP began its life as a modelling technology when John Grinder and Richard Bandler embarked on their now-legendary work in capturing the patterns of genius inherent in Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson as stated by International Training Academy for NLP. NLP involves the development of behavioral competence and flexibility but also encompasses a deep understanding of the thought process behind the behaviour.


According to the Oxford English dictionary Neuro-Linguistic Programming is “a model of interpersonal communication chiefly concerned with the relationship between successful patterns of behaviour and the subjective experiences (esp. patterns of thought) underlying them” and “a system of alternative therapy based on this which seeks to educate people in self-awareness and effective communication, and to change their patterns of mental and emotional behaviour.”

NLP is a modelling technology with a specific focus on the set of differences that make the differences between the performances of geniuses and average performers in the same field of activity. The objective of modelling is to explicate in a transferable and learnable way, a set of differences. The core activity of NLP is the mapping of tacit knowledge on to an explicit model. (Carmen Bostic St Clair & John Grinder, adapted from Whispering in the Wind). NLP is a methodology for explicitly mapping and tracking human experience for the purpose of modelling, communicating effectively and creating change. (Michael Carroll, ITA)

Now that we have established what NLP is all about its time to address the advantages of becoming an NLP Coach or a practitioner. By becoming a certified NLP Practitioner in India, you will have all the tools at your disposal to positively impact other people’s lives for the better. And in the process, you will be a transformed individual.

The field of NLP is self-regulated and there are various recognized bodies including the ITA, ANLP, NLPEA, ABNLP, and INLPTA. The NLP Practitioner qualification is gained after successfully completing an NLP Practitioner training course. The NLP Training Courses will be typically 120-130 hours and it’s worth the hours invested. The Primary and possibly the most important attribute for an NLP practitioner is a genuine desire to assist people to achieve excellence and that’s a tall order. It involves a complete understanding of an individual’s map of the world in order to help them develop certain competencies and skills that might have the potential to accelerate their career or change for that matter. We all see the world through our maps of the world and a Change can be effective if it brings about a change in this map of the world.

Here I would like to share my understanding of how to select a good NLP Certification Course and Top NLP Trainers in India. If it is just about transferring information about NLP, there are many online courses, content on Web. But my perspective of getting certified is not having access to this information, but actually experiencing this knowledge bases and making it part of Unconscious Competence. I myself did mistakes of joining courses which are hardly NLP but they are marketed in the name of NLP and I realized that some of the trainers have labelled themselves as Trainers, never ever experienced the training from Masters. They may be good at transferring the information about NLP but not the experience of NLP. Before you make a decision on joining an NLP Certification Course, do some research and decide for yourself what’s the best value for you. Decide for yourself what would you like to invest and get in return…..

Coaching is a high-end skill, and companies and industries are realizing the tremendous impact that coaches have on their clients. We shall look into the essentials of excellent coaching.

An NLP coach can work in areas ranging from stress, anxiety, phobias and in diverse fields of work ranging from developing professional competency to combating violent aggression. Many people study NLP to help them become more effective in their chosen field. The patterns can be employed across a wide area of applications ranging from fields as diverse as education, team building, sales, marketing, personal development, leadership, and coaching. Wherever there are human interactions and growth potential, NLP can be used to develop and enhance performance.

Some of the approaches NLP Coaches use are:

Ask Powerful Questions- Ask in order to learn and enable your clients to make informed decisions and choices. Right questions open your perception and in turn change your MAP of the world. The end Result- Your Clients come up with the answers themselves.

Provide Positive Feedback- The goal is not to make your client defensive. Rather, it’s meant to be uplifting and concise. Through positive feedback, your neurology learns and relearns to make better choices

Strive to see Excellence- A good Coach has the ability to see the end result. In other words, he enables his clients to see what they can be instead of who they are.

Listen– A great coach has the ability to read and hear the fine print. This is an ability which is honed over a period of time and sometimes that is exactly what a client needs. A listening ear can hear what is not said. Cultivate a

Broad Perspective- Sometimes, solutions don’t appear magically. It takes a lot of work to achieve the desired outcome.

Total Investment- Be completely invested in your clients’ aspirations, goals or struggles. Have a powerful belief system in your client’s ability.

Pay Attention to Detail- It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.

Be Obsessed- It’s an often repeated phrase, “saving the best for last”. To have a long term success as a Coach or in any position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in some way.” You have to be obsessed with turning an individual’s life around.



NLP Coaching is an avenue that has countless benefits, and it all hinges on the ability to partner with your client for their personal growth and transformation. Jerry West expresses it beautifully, “That’s a strong sign of a good coach, to let an assistant participate. It shows his confidence in the coach’s ability not to have to dominate everything.”



Sajid Ahamed is “Certified Trainer of NLP” and Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt Ltd, India. He is a firm believer in high performance. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. He is ITA (International Training Academy) approved NLP and New Code Trainer in India and the Middle East. He organises NLP Training in Bangalore, Bahrain, Qatar, etc. Coach Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their greatest potential and evolve into their personal best version.

If you are interested to find out more of this Grinder Approved Training in India, you can book a free session with him using the below link.