Breaking the Cycle of Addiction and Gain Control

The most crucial step towards recovery is acknowledging that there is a problem. Addiction has been defined as the “fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.” An individual goes through a process of pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and finally termination in an addictive cycle.


It takes courage to stare addiction in the face and decide that you are no longer a slave to your weaknesses.

That you are reading this right now,  I can assume that you would like to change your current lifestyle. Below are key action steps that will enable you to take stock and gain greater control over your choices.


Identify Triggers– You are in a winning position already if you are self-aware. Specific social settings and interactions are bound to cause a swift escalation, and you might find yourself in the same “situation” you were desperately trying to escape. Identifying triggers is the number one step if you intend to break a negative pattern.

Journal– You might say, Wait, What? Research has proven that writing down your action plan can strengthen your brain’s capacity to gravitate towards the positive. It creates a positive image, and every single time you are faced with a dilemma, your mind inevitably presents the best option. Repeat this a couple of times, and before you know it, decision-making will become effortless!

Set a Date– Make a tough decision to bring about a lasting transformation and set an end date. Be Ruthless with yourself. If possible, take the assistance of an accountability partner, someone who will cheer you on and criticize you if you slack off. More often than not, procrastination robs us of living our best life.

Gradual Gains– Nothing happens overnight. When the end goal is letting go of a bad habit, focus on gradual progress. Reward the minutest effort. That will strengthen your resolve.

Renew your Environment– It is an uphill climb if you are trying to make progress while the environment continues to be toxic. If certain people or situations exacerbate the problem, you must take a bold stand and remove yourself from the scene.

Be Conscientious– Nothing like persistence. Too many people had quit at the one-yard line just when victory was in sight. The problem is that an individual enters into a deep depression when there is no reward after all that effort. Now there is no motivation to try again. Don’t let that happen to you. Encourage yourself by saying, “you are in it to win it.”

Idle Mind- Devil’s Workshop– Fill your schedule to the brim. Go out with your friends and colleagues for some downtime, watch a movie, or go on a vacation. How about Learning a new skill or exploring a new Course. Idle time management is crucial on the road to recovery.

Monitor your Progress– There might be instances of relapse from time to time. Don’t let that dissuade you. Acknowledge that you are trying your best and make a fresh start the following day. If you keep at it, you will be surprised at how much you have accomplished and how far you have come.

Seek Help– Research support groups, interact with mentors, and read about how people are handling the addiction that you are currently facing. Read Success stories. Meet people who have successfully overcome a harmful lifestyle. There is no shame in reaching out. It might prove to be the wisest decision.

Make an Appointment– Schedule an appointment with a skilled therapist knowledgeable on NLP or Coaching based on Cognitive behavior therapy, Gestalt techniques, and behavioral therapy. Be frank with your concerns and welcome their feedback.

Exercise– “There is no depression buster as effective for me as exercise,” Says mental health advocate Therese J Borchard. Exercise enhances overall mood and productivity. Not only that, it has been proven to improve self-esteem as well.

The road to recovery is not easy. You are not alone in this fight. When you seek help, you will gradually feel empowered to make the right decisions. Too many people sadly give up, not realizing that there are many resources and trusted professionals with a stellar track record of changing lives.

While there are plenty of other strategies that people have successfully used to conquer addiction, I have just outlined a few as “food for thought” that might hopefully encourage you to read more and take personal responsibility toward creating a brighter, healthier future for yourself!

You can book an appointment for a free session to discuss about your addiction related issue and choose to Break the Cycle of Addiction and Gain Control

Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified trainer of NLP” and organizes John Grinder-approved training in India and the Middle East. He is one of the few ITA (International Training Academy) trainers in the world who are authorized to run New Code and Master Practitioner NLP Certifications in India and the Middle East. He has more than 1000 hours of coaching experience and is an ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He is also certified and authorized to conduct Emotional intelligence Assessments by Six Seconds, international. He is a firm believer in high performance. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their most significant potential and evolve into their personal best version through emotionally intelligent coaching.

He is presently pursuing his PhD in Alternative therapies and Integrative Medicines and completed studies in Psychotherapy from Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

He is also the Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt. Ltd, India, which specializes in Coaching in variety of Modalities like NLP, EFT, EI and Energy coaching.

To be updated with latest trends in Coaching and psychotherapy, join our Facebook Private group –

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Balancing the Impact of Screen Time on Children

A prominent psychologist commented recently, “The more screen exposure young people have, toddlers, in particular, the more behavior problems they have and the more learning problems they have earlier on,” “Kids need to interact with the real world before they start to get sucked into the virtual world.”

The world has changed upside down post the pandemic, and more youngsters are spending time latched on to their phones and tablets. Gone are the days when children roamed free in the fields, climbed trees, and enjoyed moments in the sun. Now adventure means video games and moments outside are replaced with tik-tok and YouTube. Excessive screen time prevents youngsters from fostering deep personal relationships, impacts sleep, and health, and makes them more irritable and rebellious.

Let’s not discredit the various advantages balanced screen time offers. An introduction to the digital world fosters curiosity and builds problem-solving skills. When young children are introduced to applications and new software, it gives them a competitive advantage. They become proficient at a young age in solving complex problems, increasing their confidence.

Given below are some of the ways that parents and children can work together while at the same time ensuring screen time is set to a minimum:

Choose the Right Content As a parent, you must filter the content that is appropriate for a youngster.

Discuss Digital Content Encourage children to share what they have learnt, give them a question and ask them to find the answer. This will ensure that they remember essential information. Watch podcasts and other educational videos together.

Give them a Project This will pique their interest and creativity. It will encourage them to think “out of the box.” Reward the effort at the end.

Schedule Family Time Together Children benefit greatly when they see their parents excited about the same things that interest them. That builds trust and makes you, the parent, Approachable!

Make Learning Fun The pandemic has forced families to come closer. Use this as an opportunity to instill critical skills and values in your child. Children model their parents and are far more observant than we give them credit. They will readily follow in your footsteps and embrace learning as a fun activity if you portray it that way.

Time Management– Ensure that screen time is set to a minimum and children are encouraged to have a life outside their computers and phones. This is key to their balanced development. Research has proved that “excessive screen time” leads to hostile and antisocial behavior.

Set a Weekly Check in This could be planned as a fun outing or a picnic. While children enjoy the fresh air, talk to them about important life principles and check how they feel at school, what they have been learning and what they would like to speak about. You would be surprised to know that, given the right incentive, children feel free to share the minutest details of their lives.

Communicate Often Make Conversation easy, encourage small talk, and set a dedicated time when you listen to your child. After a While, you will notice that your child will look forward to time with you over screen time. Unfortunately, most children resort to spending time alone with their gadgets when they notice their parents are just “too busy” for them. That leads to various personality and learning defects that could have been avoided.

Be their Friend Your Child must run to you with the slightest grievance and the smallest victory. Talk to them as a friend and seek to understand first.

Fun Times Plant a garden, attend music festivals together, go fishing or build a sand castle. The activities are numerous and beat “screen time,” hands down.

Be Strategic and Intentional We all lead busy lives. There’s no way around it. It’s crucial to be intentional about family time. If it is important, you have to make it a priority.

Technology is here to stay. Our world and corporations are driven by technology, and it’s good to keep abreast of the latest developments happening in the world, but not at the cost of one’s health and frayed family relationships. That’s a huge price to pay!

Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified trainer of NLP” and organizes John Grinder-approved training in India and the Middle East. He is one of the few ITA (International Training Academy) trainers in the world who are authorized to run New Code and Master Practitioner NLP Certifications in India and the Middle East. He has more than 1000 hours of coaching experience and is an ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He is also certified and authorized to conduct Emotional intelligence Assessments by Six Seconds, international. He is a firm believer in high performance. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their most significant potential and evolve into their personal best version through emotionally intelligent coaching.

He is presently pursuing his PhD in Alternative therapies and Integrative Medicines and completed studies in Psychotherapy from Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

He is also the Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt. Ltd, India, which specializes in Coaching in variety of Modalities like NLP, EFT, EI and Energy coaching.

To be updated with latest trends in Coaching and psychotherapy, join our Facebook Private group –

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A Thriving Partnership

Being in a loving relationship is perhaps the most rewarding and fulfilling life experience known to man. A loving relationship makes the World Come alive, bursting with color and song. It makes life beautiful. Statements like “Only you can give me that feeling” and “You are my Person” evoke a feeling of completion, akin to coming home.

But while all these feelings are valid and are a part of the human desire to belong, they are not the purpose of this discussion. We will be delving deep into the rudiments of co-dependency in relationships. So what is co-dependency? And is it a good thing? “Co-dependency has been defined as an excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner.” While a certain amount of reliance on a partner can foster rapport and synchronicity, it can also extinguish any breathing space. You might have heard statements like, “I need my space” or perhaps “Why can’t you do things alone just this once? These statements usually don’t originate out of the blue. They typically arise when there is an excessive reliance or control exercised by one individual over another. It is enough to drive a wedge between the two and sometimes sadly leads to separation.

They say Marriage or partnership makes you Complete. I beg to disagree. A partnership is the union of two complete individuals. You don’t enter a partnership to become Complete. Rather two secure individuals have the power to build something lasting. Why is this important, you might ask? For starters, this is where co-dependency originates, isn’t it? That burning insecurity, unresolved emotions, and hidden trauma all manifest in this brand-new relationship, leading to a host of other problems.

As one of the prominent psychologists pointed out, “One cannot expect a partner to operate as per one’s wishes and be the “Jack of All Trades, ‘” so to speak, or fix our character flaws. That’s not their job.”

Most individuals mistakenly assume that their job is done once they have declared their true feelings. One of the significant reasons Codependency occurs is because somewhere, humans tend to exercise control and have a say in determining the outcome. It is essential to understand the characteristics of Co-dependency. Without it, an individual could never hope to build a thriving relationship. And that’s what we are aiming for in this discussion.


So What exactly is a thriving relationship? What steps can be taken if you want to have an interdependent relationship? Someone once asked me, “I have lived in a codependent relationship for years. I am used to it. Can I make a change now?”

The Answer is YES. You can make a change wherever you are, and it’s never too late. Let’s take a look at some of the strategic steps you can take towards building a lasting marriage or a relationship:


Communicate and Communicate OftenThere mustn’t be a plan as far as communication is concerned. It could be as simple as stating that you like your coffee made a certain way, or it could be an impromptu meeting that you would like.

Let me mention a key point here, “Codependence doesn’t imply repressing your individuality. It means having the freedom to express oneself and be authentic.

Prioritize Your Partner They must be your number one Confidante in matters of importance. If your partner feels that their opinions matter, they will readily voice their deepest feelings. They will begin to honor the relationship, and your rapport will continue to soar.

Break Disagreements Fast Make it a priority to redress grievances lovingly without sounding judgmental and harsh. Do Not bring up past offenses or misconduct. It will not defuse the situation. It will ignite it tenfold.

Aim for Collaboration Strive to reach a solution without appearing condescending. It is not a war. Go Over plans and projects together and aim for the solution that benefits both of you.

No Third-Party This is a Biggie. It is between you and your partner. When we decide to take outside counsel, generally from friends or peers, we jeopardize the relationship unnecessarily. It does not mean you should not approach a trained professional in counseling or coaching. Resolve to settle your differences amicably amongst yourselves.

Be Your Partner’s Biggest Cheerleader Being accepted and loved wholeheartedly is a beautiful feeling. Be Someone that your partner can consider as their biggest asset.

Someone rightly said, “If You want to be treated like a King, You have to treat her like a Queen.”

Never Quit on Your Relationship This might seem simplistic, but too many people throw in the towel all too soon.

Suppose you are following the Above. Excellent! If Not, this is a great place to start. Let this be the incentive you need towards building a thriving interdependent relationship.


Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified trainer of NLP” and organizes John Grinder-approved training in India and the Middle East. He is one of the few ITA (International Training Academy) trainers in the world who are authorized to run New Code and Master Practitioner NLP Certifications in India and the Middle East. He has more than 1000 hours of coaching experience and is an ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He is also certified and authorized to conduct Emotional intelligence Assessments by Six Seconds, international. He is a firm believer in high performance. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their most significant potential and evolve into their personal best version through emotionally intelligent coaching.

He is presently pursuing his PhD in Alternative therapies and Integrative Medicines and completed studies in Psychotherapy from Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

He is also the Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt. Ltd, India, which specializes in Coaching in variety of Modalities like NLP, EFT, EI and Energy coaching.

To be updated with latest trends in Coaching and psychotherapy, join our Facebook Private group –

For Further networking, follow us on

Teens – The Troubled Years

Teenagers are the most misunderstood people on the planet. The teenage years are some of the loneliest, and almost every teenager has a high-pitched complaint that no one ever really understands them. These are also the most “impressionable years” and form the foundation for an individual’s entire life. A life that sometimes turns out picturesque and at other times a total tragedy.

Sometimes young people bear the brunt of families falling apart. They are also helpless witnesses to the unfolding drama in the “adult world.” It takes a very determined young person to come out unscathed after living in a volatile environment. While I write this, truth be told, my heart goes out to the millions of young people who are trying to make sense of the craziness that we call reality desperately. Life has changed, and how!!! This almost maniacal obsession with keeping up with the latest trends, seeking impossible beauty standards, and the urge to fit in occupy a young person’s mind 24/7.

After all, if one doesn’t fit in, they are perceived as an outlier, and which young person in their right mind can accept this harsh fate? Parents would be willing to cross hell or high water to make their children the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. This unbearable pressure from family and society sometimes drives young people to shut themselves inside. The Japanese call it “hikikomori,” a recluse shut off from society, refusing to partake in anything that the world offers. Some are driven to desperation and, in a fit of teenage fury, take their own lives or choose to live life wantonly, all of which have disastrous consequences.

The problems that teenagers grapple with in today’s day and age are too many to number. The list could go on and on, from body image issues to underage sex to bullying and cyber addiction.

Here are some of the strategies and steps that can be taken to mitigate or counteract this tumultuous phase:

Identifying the Change Being conscious of changes in sleeping patterns, eating habits, and communication can be a huge giveaway. Sometimes, parents or counselors fail to notice subtle shifts in behavior and might account for any hormones or other issues discrepancies. Taking note of minor things can sometimes save everyone a world of worry. Children who receive early help in counseling or guidance inevitably gravitate toward the right path.

Understanding Someone accurately termed the word “troubled teens,” It couldn’t be more accurate. In essence, an individual goes through conflicting emotions in rapid succession. From anger to jealousy to impulsive actions. You get the picture. You would think someone would need the patience of a saint” to deal with a teenager. In my personal coaching experience, I had witnessed troubled and manipulative teens who always got their way with their mothers’ because she was afraid of losing them if they didn’t comply. Such love can be toxic and can make a child dependent for life.

Understanding must always be complemented with tough love. Where boundaries are clearly established in a no-nonsense way, let me put it this way! Giving direction and feedback in the proper manner is just as important as providing rules to live by.

Be Approachable Today, everyone is dealing with their own demons. Children are pretty much left to themselves with a bunch of cash. Unfortunately, money can’t compensate for parenting or guidance. It isn’t surprising that any impressionable teenager would seek momentary thrill and speed to silence the gnawing emptiness that only a parent can fill. The negative impact of this emptiness is that teenage crime and substance abuse are on the rise. Young people are justifiably angry and resentful. Unfortunately, sometimes the damage is lasting, and no amount of therapy can undo it.

Today, young people need a safe haven. Someone they can talk to without fear of rebuttal and judgment.

Family Relationships Adults must ensure to settle their differences behind closed doors. A peaceful, harmonious environment is the biggest blessing you could give your children.

Acceptance and Unflinching Trust Acceptance is paramount. Teenagers must feel accepted and loved, regardless of their grades or their looks. Most teenagers I have interacted with always mention this: “My parents trust me, and that statement is usually accompanied with a smile. An Individual who feels “understood” at home will invariably grow up to be a balanced individual and win battles that need winning.

Communication Honest heart-to-heart communication about sensitive topics like bullying, peer pressure, and sex can be incredibly beneficial. Usually, these conversations make the teenager feel like an equal participant at the table and not merely a child. Most teenagers hate the word “Child,” by the way!

Ask for Help In certain circumstances, a counselor or a NLP Practitioner can offer alternatives and effective coaching practices when all seems lost. Never feel shy about being vulnerable and asking for help. Timely counseling can avert significant disasters.

Be Innovative, empathetic, and seek to understand. YOU have won half the battle right there!


Sajid Ahamed is a “Certified trainer of NLP” and organizes John Grinder-approved training in India and the Middle East. He is one of the few ITA (International Training Academy) trainers in the world who are authorized to run New Code and Master Practitioner NLP Certifications in India and the Middle East. He has more than 1000 hours of coaching experience and is an ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He is also certified and authorized to conduct Emotional intelligence Assessments by Six Seconds, international. He is a firm believer in high performance. He enjoys engaging in powerful conversations that lead to effective learning and results. Sajid empowers his clients to achieve their most significant potential and evolve into their personal best version through emotionally intelligent coaching.

He is presently pursuing his PhD in Alternative therapies and Integrative Medicines and completed studies in Psychotherapy from Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

He is also the Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt. Ltd, India, which specializes in Coaching in variety of Modalities like NLP, EFT, EI and Energy coaching.

To be updated with latest trends in Coaching and psychotherapy, join our Facebook Private group –