Take a moment and follow the instructions-
Imagine a lemon right in front of you. Imagine taking it in your hand and smelling it. Squeeze it a bit and smell it again.. What are your physiological reactions? Does it trigger your salivary glands? Do you find yourself salivating…Isn’t that interesting?
You just connected to one of the Neuro Circuit which was installed in you long back…
What would have happened, if you had never been exposed to Lemon (hypothetically), you would have missed this experience. You would have heard about this experience but could not experience it yourself.
That’s exactly why installing the right Neuro circuitry is but necessary before you embark on the journey of Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Neural circuits are responsible for the brain’s ability to process sensory information, recall memories, experience emotions, learn, and control the muscles of the body, Neurons never function in isolation; they are organized into ensembles or circuits that process specific kinds of information. Although the arrangement of neural circuits varies greatly according to the intended function.